Monday, October 23, 2006

my sweet girl

hope you all are doing great! here are a few of the latest from us. love you gals!

This is what Charlottesville looks like right now - so come to the reunion this weekend!

Here is my understanding of this weekend -although Hallie probably has a better plan.
I believe some girls are coming Fri evening and others on Saturday. Saturday I plan to have bagels, juice and coffee at my place in the morning. Anyone who wants to join me on ~ a 5 mile run is also welcome. Then we will hang out in some form during the day with Carter's Mtn, watching the football game, visiting a winery as some possibilities. Then we'll head out for dinner Sat evening. People are more than welcome to stay at my place. I have officially kicked my husband out for the weekend, and it's not a big place (read: we have only one bathroom) but there is plenty of room on the floor (or air mattresses if people have them). I would like to go to church at Trinity if anyone else would like to as well.

Please let me or Hallie know what parts you will be attending. I will send directions to my place out over email - I am not sure I want that posted on the web. Please let me know if you'll be here for Sat breakfast so I can provide accordingly. It should be fun!

the plan?

hiya girls,
what's the plan for this weekend? i will not be able to make it down until Saturday afternoon as I have to work until 12. what is everyone else planning?

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Your taxpayer dollars at work... or not.

hola chiquitas. So i'm home sick for the 3rd day in a row, and seeing as i do "bedrest" oh-so-well, i'm bored silly. thus the web-surfing and remembering this fabulous blog - kudos again to whoever started it (Megan W?) - and it occurs to me that while your taxpayer dollars are funding my salary, today you're paying me to stay in bed, cover up my head, and get better. so thank you. briefly, the source of being stuck in bed is apparently bronchitis and a double ear infection on top of a sinus infection. hearing that diagnosis on tuesday made me feel a little less like a wimp and slight more justified in saying that i feel like dirt... :)

Given that I got sick while traveling for work (your taxpayer dollars truly at work), and that travel sent me to Paris, France, I shouldn't really complain too much. But before you get jealous, I was gone for 3 days, worked more than 18 hours of each of those days, slept poorly thanks to jet lag and crazy work, and did not get to play tourist. [I did briefly walk around the last morning, but if you want to call getting up at the crack of dawn to take pictures before my flight being a tourist, we can argue another time. :) ]

So... I would like to pose a theological question... largely because it's one that keeps tying me up in knots in my head and because it's probably one that we asked a million times over during our 360 years... oddly, I'm still looking for the answer... or for more clarity. How do you know God's will for your life? How do you differentiate between God's provisions (of a job, of a place to live, etc.) and His will? I've been asking this question a lot lately - largely as it relates to a million questions/variables in my own life, but I've found such a range of answers and opinions, that it's intriguing. Especially if you get into the distinctions between God's permissive will and His perfect will... but I'll spare you that question. :)

For instance, does the provision of a particular job mean that it's God's will? What if there are multiple opportunities (or even just two), then how do you know which is His will? I realize that one answer here is "Katye, you think too much", but really, I don't! I just really want to live each day to the fullest - to get out of bed each morning (when this bedrest is over) with a sense that I'm participating fully in the Lord's work where's He's called me, and to go to bed each night able to say I faithfully worked where I was called. I imagine this is the heart of all of us, but I keep getting hung up on the first part - where am I called to be?

Thoughts are appreciated... as long as you don't think I'm crazy.