Sunday, February 17, 2008

Can I get a LITTLE credit?!

Okay, so the only thing going on around here is a lot of doting on this sweet face, (sorry the pics are turned the wrong way-can't fix it!) and not just by me, but by the big sisters and Daddy as well. She looks exactly like the other two, just like Dad, except that she has dark hair, and tons of it. I am doing all the work on these kids and you would never know they are mine! She is the sweetest thing, seeming to understand completely that she is the third and has to take what she can get;) I never did get around to posting when Ryah Layne (first name means rejoice in Indonesian, second name family, same pattern as the first two girls) was born, but I had her totally out within 2 and a half hours of my first contraction. "Precipitous labor" I believe they call it. This is, mind you, after my first two labors were almost 20 hours long! So I think I can be forgiven for thinking, when I was in the car and I felt like I had to push, that I probably just needed to go to the bathroom. (Um, yeah, you moron, that is what it feels like!) We are lucky we didn't putz around anymore than we did before going to the hospital or we would have been selling the Honda Pilot for parts (for those of you who have had a baby you know it would have been ruined. Permanently.) I was screaming like a banshee, swinging (literally) at anyone who came near me with equipment-the few seconds that I could get a breath in teh hospital I was apologizing to everyone that I was "that girl". I was not at all like that with my first two, but then, I had drugs with them. It is really kind of funny because I never even got my clothes off; in all the pictures afterwards, I am still wearing my coat and stuff. Love to all!


Leah said...

I haven't been able to give you props because what you described gives me nightmares...coat on...seriously. You are a strong woman not only to survive such an ordeal but to be the mother of 3 girls. Very Brave!

Hallie Holland said...

Love it! I'd prefer 2 tough hours to 20 long ones any day.

She is too cute and I think that your big girls are completely little Veronica's, even if there is a lot of J.D. in Ryah.

Can we arrange some marriages please?
Leah, we'll have to let Judah and my little Charlie duke it out over Ryah.