Sunday, July 30, 2006

360 Lives!!

I just want to make the comment that I get a lot of flack whenever I start talking about 360 and what a great time we had. People say, "What the heck is 360 and why are you so excited about it?" I calmly and cooly respond that it was the single-handed coolest collection of girls ever assembled at UVA...well, let's be honest, for most years :).
Year I graduated: 2001
Years at 360: 1998-2001
Places I've lived: VA Beach, Northern Virginia (I really had NOVA in here, but it looked so stupid)
Jobs I've had since then: Ann Taylor Loft, VA Beach Substitute teacher and SOL tutor, marketing coordinator, managment consultant, and now....Realtor! (can you say I've had some issues figuring out what to do with my life?)
Great 360 memories: Meghan Peer's birthday and Veronica as white trash Megan...Hi-larious! Andrea cooking chicken in the microwave with the plastic wrap still on, 360 date functions.

So, as said above, I live in Northern Virginia with my parents. Who's the almost 27-year-old not afraid to admit that? Oh wait, that's me. But really, I'm actually moving out this November into my very first home in South Riding, VA. After all of those years of enduring Megan, Matt and Andrew sing freaking Loudoun County's praises, I finally will become one of them... a loudounite! Being a Realtor I figured it gives me more credibility with clients if I say I actually own something rather than saying that I mooch off my parents. What do you think? Yeah, that's what I thought. I've been super busy this year (okay total sidetrack here, but as I was typing that last line, I accidently had typed "busty" instead of busy. Most of you will appreciate that that is the last thing I will ever be :) ). On that note, I will end my first blog. This is going to be great!



seattlemegs said...

props to you for posting your first blog!

Megan Vaught said...

okay girls i'm so psyched that we've finally gotten out butts into the 21st century and are blogging! i am at rockbridge for the day, then will return to civilization for a week to work, then back to rockbridge. i will try to blog more when i get back into winchester. xo gals

martha.cullaty said...

Court - I've been terrible about getting back to you about a visit (wasn't that last Sept?) I'm coming up to your neck of the woods the first weekend in Oct - can I see YOU?

Sportney said...

I'll put you on my calendar for the first weekend of October. I'll make the time! I'm excited!