Wednesday, November 01, 2006


I confess! I've been blog eavesdropping since August and I haven't contributed. Its been great hearing about each of you and how you all are doing (even the ones I've never met.) The interesting thing is I found out about this blog from Megan who I met while serving on summer staff at Rockbridge while her husband was leading program. She and I had never met before and it turns out we not only lived in the same house while at UVA but lived in the same room! Crazy. Anyway Scott and I are living in Miami Florida and anytime you want to visit we would love to have you. I'm not sure what else to update you on so if you want to find out more visit our blog for the full experience. Love to you all!

God Bless,
Kristin Long '97-'98

1 comment:

Hallie Holland said...

I have to admit I read your whole blog and now feel updated on life in household Long. I especially loved the post from Scott and the dogs from outside the house while you were gone. Thanks for the update and good to hear from you!