Thursday, October 18, 2007

Sitemeter Stats

When Megan added me on as an administrator of this blog a few months back, one of the things that I did was add a sitemeter (scroll down to the bottom of the page and you can see the counter there) to our humble little blog. Now, I am not terribly internet-wise, but for those of you who are less blog-savvy than I, a sitemeter counts the people who visit a page and keeps track of stats on visitors. It can even tell a few things about the people that visit.

For example, since I added the meter to our blog, we have had a total of 1500 visits. (It counts each time you open your browser and click over to the blog as a new visitor.) We average about 15-20 visitors per day and they spend an average of 2 minutes on the site each. Most of our visitors are from VA, but we also frequently have visitors from NC, CA, and Kalispell, Montana (Liz or Megan that must be you!), as well as occasional visitors from NJ, FL, and OR. We've had one visitor from Peking, China too.

Besides seeing where most of our visitors are located, I also can see how people find our site. Let's hope that a lot of us are "googling" ourselves because the most common way that people find our blog is by googling for "Shelly Reese," "Julia Leibson" or "Veronica McPeters Greear." In fact, someone found the site by searching for "Leah Snyder starbucks", odd.

The best search terms that brought someone here was by far the person who searched for "where will I meet my man in the next 2 days?" Hmm, I don't know where you will meet your man, but I'm guessing that it won't be at the 360 blog!


Mpeer said...

Hey Hallie! I'm not going to be able to make it this year as we are jetting off to a wedding in St. Thomas next week. It is my hope that one of these years - I will be able to make the trip. My email is
I hope that all is well!

Sportney said...

Such fun stats!! The one in China is Jules I think. And she may need a new invitation for a different email address.

Leah said...

Man who knew I had a Starbucks somewhere. I hope it's making Seth & I lots of money so that we can stop whoring Judah out as a baby model & retire early. Grande Nonfat Carmel Frappicinos for All!

Julia said...

Hi guys!!! So I'm a little slow and can't figure out how to post... Sadly blogspot is not too available in China. I can randomly get on every once in a while, but most of the time can't. But, I am now back in the States for the next 4 weeks! I'd love to see you guys!!!! Man, I have so many new babies to meet (and preggie tummies :) )!!!! So exciting! Please email me if you have time to catch up!