Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Still in the 'Ville

Hope this works as I do not blog either. This will be short because we just flew in from England early this morning (to celebrate our 5th anniversary) and I just got home from a 10 hr workday - somehow that didn't seem like such a stupid idea when I booked the flight.


Year graduated: 2001

Places lived: Gainesville, FL and Charlottesville, VA since Spring 2005

Jobs since 360: substitute teacher, senior clerk and clerical supervisor (of which I am most proud) and research assistant at the dept of Physical Therapy at the University of Florida, and, finally, Staff Physical Therapist at UVA-Healthsouth

Course I wish I had taken: Spanish - because I could not communicate for the life of me with a patient today

360 Memories: Walking to 7-eleven and back with Big Gulps, always having someone to chat with (Meg W was always good at that), Shelley filling the dishwasher with dish-soap and watching it bubble into the kitchen, trying to keep up with Elizabeth driving to Ft. Lauderdale (the list could go on)

***side note: can we invite Shelley? I don't know how - but her email is ssr2m@virginia.edu***

Brian and I are so happy to be out of FL and back near fun people and places. Please let me know if you'll be in C-ville - we finally have another bedroom for the first time in 5 years. We bought a condo and love to have guests. Brian is getting his PhD as I stave off the family urges by putting in long hrs at work. I miss you all and wish I wasn't so bad at keeping in touch with people who were such a big part of my life. Can I redeem myself?



seattlemegs said...

THIS is what i'm talking about! SO fun to hear what you're up to... sorry i've been completely out of touch!! i had no idea you were back in the 'ville (or if i did, my damaged brain cells forgot... i blame my brain damage on working 2.5 years of nights when i first began working as an RN!)
i can soooo see you in your role as an AWESOME PT!! i wish you worked on my floor with the oncology kiddos. they would love you.
congrats on your 5th anniversary. awesome that you went to england!! i can't believe how much time has passed since we lived together, and how life has changed... i remember laying around at 360, wondering what life was going to hold after college... and here we are more than 5 years later... crazy.
you will be so proud to know that i ran the napa marathon this past march... i still run like a turtle (5:30-- can you call that running??) but i was undertrained and it was 42 and hailing/freezing rain (who knew napa weather could be so gross??) alright, i'm supposed to be packing for vacation since i'm leaving to drive to ID early in the AM.... and i'm utterly exhausted after working a 16 and 2 12 hr shifts in the last 3 days... but i was just so happy to hear from you :) i hope this is the first of many blog-chats :) :)


p.s. i'll invite shelly to the blog :)

seattlemegs said...

p.p.s. where is your condo?? and how sad is it that i don't remember where the 7-11 within walking distance of 360 is???! it's been too long!!! i'm waaaaay overdue a visit to VA (as megan and courtney will tell you) + would love a c'ville reunion... my UVA sweatshirt from first year is in threads :) in fact, some of the letters are almost coming off and i'm afraid it's going to say 'virgin' soon!!! ;)

Sportney said...

Redemption is yours! I'm so glad you got on here. I love hearing at least little snippets here and there. I was telling some 360 girls and Matt (might as well have been a 360 girl) that I tried to come see you last fall, but it was in the midst of your life completely changing again and it didn't work out. I'm coming this fall though! Are there any weekdays you don't work?

Leah said...

Martha...Seth and I come to C'ville about once a month to visit John and Lashelle. John's finished with his PHd in Dec. and they will probably be moving to Europe but nothing is definate. So after Dec. we may not come as often. But hopefully we could catch up sometime this fall when we are down visiting the Chappells.

Hallie Holland said...

I still can't believe that your sis married John, Leah, and he's getting his PhD? Wow! Say hey to them for me.