Monday, August 07, 2006

Ta DAAAAAA! Here I am! I know everyone was just waiting with baited breath for me to get my act together and post! Actually I live in the dark ages during the summertime (no computer or internet!) but as soon as school starts again I'll be chiming in with everyone complaining people don't post enough b/c reading notes from my favorite girls is way more fun than repeating directions on how to locate earthquake epicenters in africa for the 40th time in a given day. :) Anyways details details:

Year I graduated: 2003 ish (did the 5 year BA/MT program in 4 1/2 years and finished the last semester at home so i think the offical date was January 2004)

Places I've lived since graduation: My parents house in Oakton, Va and then in an apartment in Herndon, Va the 360 ex-boyfriend/husband everyone loved to hate and I finally got hitched (January 2005). The apartment though is really SO much more than an apartment though. Hally or Megan do either of you have one of those little playhouse in the backyard for your babies? Well i essentially live in a glorified one of those. This little old lady in Franklin Farms had a little guest house built in her 2 acre backyard and we rent it from her. It's great because it's an apartment but we get to live in a real person neighborhood with kids riding their bikes down the street and a mailbox and all that, plus the yard is huge so we've got this big old vegetable and flower garden which can however be a mixed blessing when it comes to weeding and planting but there are worse things in the world. But yeah our little house (think about 100 square feet larget than our two car carport!) is fantastic. And in case anyone ever gave that 360 a total fashoin fantasy poster/sign another thought, Liz Domalski/Tyree rescured it from disoposal at 360 the year after i graduated and it now resides in a proud position in the middle of my living room (which also doubles as the diningroom and part of the kitchen). :)

Jobs I've had since 360: I went straight into teaching after graduating. My first year I taught five sections Geosystems (like Earth Science w/ computers) to 11th and 12th graders, last year i taught 3 sections of AP Environmental Science and 2 Geosystems and next year will be four and one sections respectively. I love the kids, i love the topic and i love the fact that i haven't worked a day since June 26th but the paychecks still show up every month. :)

Course I wish I'd taken at UVA: Global Information Systems (really the only reason i say that is because i am presently on a lunch break from a summer training program i'm doing with GIS and i'd much rather have taken the class in college, know this stuff now and be at the pool instead.

360 memories: 1) Wearing prom dresses to the grocery store and downtown mall with Liz Domalski 2) When we almost lost 360 to fratty boys but Andrea's dad called and used his big lawyer voice to saved it! 3) Taking shots of Jack Daniels with Kelly before doing prayer partners. 4) Always having someone to cuddle with!

Other big things - i just bought my first new car yesterday! :) Actually Andrew bought it but i get to drive it. We went looking together on Saturday and he wouldn't let me go back with him to negotiate on Sunday b/c i got WAY to excited and he'd never be able to negotiate a deal. I'm not sure whether or not i should be offended by that but i got a pretty 2006 blue mazda 3 out of the deal so who am i to complain.

I love love LOVE you guys and i'm so excited we got this blog going! :)


seattlemegs said...

so happy this blog thing seems to be gaining speed... great to hear from you!!! my first round of comments didn't post :( boo. i hate it when the computer eats things!
love hearing about your life with your husband in your cute cottage :)
i'm long overdue a visit to VA, which i am well aware of... and i say you're overdue a visit to seattle! :) :)
dying to see pics from your wedding, etc... we've got to figure out how to post pics on here!!
happy summer + look fwd to chatting more soon!

megretleigh said...

Nikki! Wow, reading your post took me back to wonderful times with you at 360. Such great memories!